Freefly Systems, a leader in precise aerial and handheld camera movement and stabilization systems, aimed to design and manufacture a handheld wireless remote for full control of camera and gimbal

Company Freefly Systems

Role Technical lead / mechanical engineer

Product Pilot handheld controller

Launched 2017

Manufacturing Location Woodinville, Washington


modular, compact wireless control

Freefly identified an opportunity to leverage several of its core technologies by adding a modular handheld controller to its product ecosystem. Using 2.4 GHz radio control of the recently launched “MIMIC” device, the controller communicated directly with camera motors (focus/iris/zoom functionality) as well as camera stabilization gimbals such as Movi Pro and Movi XL.


steering the ship

My role was to manage all technical aspects of the project and develop a launch strategy to bring the controller and various accessories to market within 9 months. In addition to keeping the electrical, firmware and mechanical team in sync, I provided guidance to a contract engineer in the development of each mechanical subsystem.


precision control

The devil is in the details. Much of the mechanical design iteration centered around the touch-points of the system. In the realm of high-end cinema equipment, industry professionals demand a certain level of finesse.

The “focus module” subsystem included a variable friction mechanism to allow the user to control the stiffness of the wheel as it was rotated. Rotating the wheel on the Pilot controller remotely controlled the camera focus, so any backlash or non-smooth motion resulted in possibly missing the shot on set. After multiple design iterations to geometry, material and surface finish the team achieved a winning combination.


DeWalt brushed 4-pole motor


Dewalt brushless motor