Sandbol is a game designed specifically for the beach. Combining elements of bocce ball and corn hole, its compact package makes it easy to bring with you to the beach.

Company Sandbol, LLC

Role Lead Product Developer

Product Sandbol beach game

Launched TBD

Manufacturing Location TBD


what is sandbol?

My brother, Mitch, created Sandbol after identifying an opportunity for a beach game designed specifically for the sand. I teamed up with Mitch in 2016 and have been overseeing engineering and operations efforts as we finalize the design and launch strategy.

The sandbol kit consists of six balls (three red, three blue), two goals and a portable drawstring bag. The rules are simple. Teams of two are formed, with your partner standing on the opposite end about 25 ft apart. Before starting a game, the goals are established by pressing them into the sand and scooping out sand from the inside. Balls can be tossed, rolled or bounced to score. Three points are awarded for balls which drop into the goal, and one point is awarded for balls which are ‘closest’ to the goal.


streamlined prototyping

After reaching out to various domestic and international manufacturers for prototyping needs, we hit a wall. Cost was too high in many cases, volumes too large, or capabilities were lacking to produce a hollow, TPR ball. I decided to take measures into my own…garage.

By designing and building a rotomold machine with various off-the-shelf parts and a borrowed motor, I was able to quickly iterate geometry and size. 3D printed parts were used to create a silicone mold. By pouring two-part silicones of varying durometer and weight, I could vary the thickness of the ball. This helped us get to a much closer final design in weeks rather than months.


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